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Privacy Policy

If you provide us with information on this website, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, the details of which follow.
Musique de Marc strives and is committed to respecting the privacy of visitors to the Musique de Marc website, and to protecting the integrity of personal information. We are committed to using reasonable and appropriate security measures to achieve this. However, no system is foolproof and we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, either at the time of transmission or while stored on Musique de Marc's systems. Personal information is information that implicates and identifies a natural person, other than the person's name, title, address, telephone number or e-mail address. Personal information includes an individual's home address, date of birth, social insurance number, medical and financial information about an individual.

Information - Collection and disclosure

In addition to the personal information you provide to us, certain information about you is collected automatically as you navigate the Musique de Marc website, including the following:

  1. The domain name and host from which you access the Internet;
  2. The IP address of the computer you are using;
  3. The browser software and operating system you use;
  4. The date and time you accessed the Musique de Marc website; et
  5. The Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to the Musique de Marc website.

The information we collect automatically is used to administer and improve our website and is collected and disclosed primarily for Musique de Marc products and services. Any information you voluntarily provide to us is retained by Musique de Marc for as long as is reasonably necessary for specific purposes or as permitted by law. If we need to change how we use or store the personal information you provide, we will update our privacy policy. Musique de Marc will not sell, rent or disclose the personal information you provide to us to any third party without your prior consent except: (i) as required or permitted by law or (ii) to our independent contractors who host and support our website and messaging services or (iii) to our service providers for the purpose of providing us with professional and technical support or (iv) to our distributors for the purpose of serving your needs. We make reasonable efforts to ensure that any personal information you provide to us is as accurate and complete as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.

Links to related websites

If you access a related website that links to our website, you should review the privacy policy of that website. This privacy policy applies solely to information we collect on the Musique de Marc website.